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Recipe for "Super Easy Pancakes"


Let the batter sit for at least 15 minutes in the fridge to let it fluff up a little bit before your start pouring and flipping those pancakes!

Try substituting the plain flour with wholewheat flour for healthier pancakes! :)

Add sprinkles, chocolate chips, blueberries or just about anything you like into the batter to fun up your pancakes!


Eggs (Large) 2
Milk (Low-Fat, Fresh, Full Cream) - I Use Hl 1 1/4 cup
Canola Oil (Or Sunflower/corn Oil) 3 Tablespoons
Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon
All-Purpose Flour, Sifted 1 1/2 cup
Baking Powder (Serbuk Penaik) 2 teaspoon
Sugar 2 Tablespoon
Salt A pinch



Beat eggs and milk until frothy.

(Pukul telur dan susu hingga berbuih.)


Add in oil and vanilla.

(Campurkan minyak dan vanila.)


Stir in the remaining dry ingredients until just moistened but do NOT overmix.

(Gaulkan bahan-bahan kering sehingga sebati sahaja tapi JANGAN terlebih gaul.)


Let rest in the fridge for at least 15 minutes to let the batter thicken as it sits.

(Letak dan biarkan adunan dalam peti sejuk sekurang-kurangnya 15 minit supaya menjadi pekat.)


Use a ladle or a 1/3 measuring cup to scoop and pour the mixture into a non-stick pan on medium heat. Flip the pancakes once tiny bubbles start to appear on the edges.

(Gunakan senduk atau cawan sukatan 1/3 cawan untuk menceduk adunan dan tuangkan ke atas kuali leper yang non-stick menggunakan api sederhana. Terbalikkan pancake apabila gelembung-gelembung kecil mula kelihatan dengan banyak di tepi.)


Serve warm with maple syrup and butter or with jam.

(Hidangkan bersama maple syrup dan mentega atau jem.)