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Recipe for "Steamed Sweet Corn"


Steaming corn is the best ways to cook corn that enables the retainment of all its nutrients.


Corn 3, each corn cut into 4
Water 2 inches high in the pot
Salt Sprinkle as required
Pepper Sprinkle as required
Butter Top as required



Cut the ears of corn into 4. Add water to a large pot that comes up to 2 inches high in the pot. Insert a steamer rack into the pot.


Ensure that the water is not reaching the bottom of the steamer; if it is, pour off some of the water. Place the pot, covered, on high heat and bring to a boil.


When the pot comes to a boil, place the corn into the pot using a pair of tongs. Re-cover pot and let steam for 5-10 minutes or until the corn becomes a deep yellow.


Remove corn from pot and serve hot with wooden sticks. Top with salt, pepper, or melted butter, if desired.