Brownies Mocha Berkacang Walnut

Cobaan pertama Izyan buat brownies and it turned out well ! Surelah you all can do better than I did. Nanti share the photos on my wall ye!

Prep time 10 minute(s) Cook time 20 minute(s) Total time 30 minute(s) Yield 1 serving(s)


If you want moaarrr FUN: Pukul peanut butter halus hingga kembang. Sapukan ke atas brownies dan taburkan choc chips dan salted peanuts (yes salted!)...or alternatively, sapukan peanut butter and jelly spread for an upgraded trip down the PB&J road! Woot!


125gm mentega - dilembutkan pada suhu bilik
120gm choc masakan
3/4 cawan gula castor
1 sudu besar susu pekat
3/4 cawan tepung - diayak
2 biji telur
2 sachets nescafe segera
1/4 sudu teh garam
1/2 cawan kacang walnut - disangai dan dicincang kasar. dioles dengan sedikit serbuk koko
1/4 cawan choc chips - optional jika suka


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Try recook this recipe and share with the owner and us



Lovely recipe from you.
Even it's quite complicated, right, But it is nice. Will try soon.

10 years ago • Reply
Izyan MasterChef (author)

Thank you Danish's Recipe! Do upload your recook as I'm sure yours will turn out yummy!

10 years ago • Reply

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