Sweet Potato Breakfast Burritos

another recipes for those who loves to eat clean. enjoy!

Prep time 10 minute(s) Cook time 31 minute(s) Total time 41 minute(s) Yield 8 serving(s)


Boleh dibekukan selama 3 bulan.


2 camca kecil minyak zaitun
1 biji - kupas kulit, potong dadu ubi keledek
1 biji - cincang bawang holland
3/4 cawan - hiris traffic light capsicum
2 cawan - cincang kasar bayam
1 camca kecil serbuk cili
2 biji - pukul telur
2 biji - pukul putih telur
4 keping whole wheat tortilla wraps
3 keping - cincang keju cheddar



Panaskan minyak zaitun, masukkan ubi keledek, bawang Holland & traffic light capsicum, tumis selama 8 minit. Kacau selalu hingga layu.

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Masukkan bayam & serbuk cili, tumis selama 10 minit.

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Besarkan api, masukkan telur & putih telur, Masak selama 3 minit. Kacau selalu hingga telur betul-betul masak.

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Tutup api & biarkan sejuk selama 10 minit.

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Potong 4 keping kertas kerajang (aluminium foil) susun tortilla wraps diatasnya. Letakkan bahan masak tadi & tabur cheddar cheese. Balut.

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Panaskan setiap kali hendak makan.

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Try recook this recipe and share with the owner and us



sedapnya...terliuq tengok

10 years ago • Reply

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