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Recipe for "Chocolate Chip Cookies"


No need to spread any butter onto your mold.


Castor Sugar 1/4 cup
Brown Sugar 1/2 cup
Butter 1/2 cup
Corn Oil 1/2 cup
Egg 1
Salt 1/4 tea spoon
Fresh Milk 1/2 table spoon
Vanilla Essence 1/2 table spoon
Second Mixture
Wheat Flour 2 cups
Cocoa Powder 1 table spoon
Corn Flour 1 table spoon
Lemon Juice 1 table spoon
Bicarbonate Soda 1/2 tea spoon
Almond 1 cup
Chocolate Chips 1 1/2 cup



Mix up all the first ingredients into a mixture.


Then add up all second mixture together with the first mixture.


Ready to make your cookies and place it in oven every 20 minutes for 160C until all the mixture finished.