The Most Gebu-Ess And Lembut Bread Dough

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Majoriti semua loves to make sweet bread, donut and pau kan ? But oftenly the dough will become hard and dry for the next few hours or day. setuju ? Let me share a few tips to make the most lembut gebu doh you will ever had


What you need are 1 ) shortening 2) bread improver 3) bread softener


Follow any bread or donut or pau recipes you like. And add on all three ingredients while you making your dough. Kalau pau boleh lebihkan shortening. Mix the dough until all combine. Kalau guna tgn, uli je lama-lama. Sbb lagi lama diuli lagi lembut. *i will soon share my own donut recipe. Xoxo athirahF

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