Popia Ketam

I learn this from my mom since our family like have 'popia' during tea time and sometimes we prepare this for our guest.

Prep time 20 minute(s) Cook time 10 minute(s) Total time 30 minute(s) Yield 40 piece(s)


taugeh segar


1 paket (40 keping) kulit popiah
3 batang lobak merah
14-16 batang crab stick
2 labu bawang besar
3 ulas bawang putih
100-200 gram taugeh
1/2 kiub kiub pati ayam knorr
Secukup rasa garam
20ml air
10ml minyak



Panaskan minyak.

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Tumiskan bawang dan bawang putih (potong dadu) sampai naik bau.

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Masukkan lobak merah yang telah dipotong halus.

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Lobak hampir layu, masukkan kiub pati ayam dan garam secukup rasa.

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Masukkan crab stick yang dihiris nipis.

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Crab stick dah sebati dengan lobak, masukkan taugeh. Jangan goreng terlalu lama, so that bila kita ngap masuk mulut, sayur tu masih rangup.

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Ambil kulit popia, gulung and gam guna campuran (tepung + air sikit).

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Try recook this recipe and share with the owner and us



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