3/4 cup | tepung gandum |
3/4 sudu besar | baking powder |
3/4 cup | susu full cream |
1 biji | telur |
1/2 sudu kecil | italian seasoning |
1 cup | mozarella cheese |
1cup | pepperoni |
1 sudu kecil | garam |
Dalam mangkuk satukan tepung, baking power, garam dan Italian seasoning. Kacaukan.
Masukkan susu full cream dan telur. Gaul sampai sebati.
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Kemudian masukkan mozzarela cheese dan pepperoni. Gaulkan.
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Masukkan adunan td kedlm mini muffin tray dgb menggunakan ice cream scoop.
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Bakar selama 40min dgn suhu 180°C. siap! Boleh dihidang dgn pizza sauce.
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