Udang Serai Wangi

This recipe i learnt from My fav aunt.

Prep time 5 minute(s) Cook time 5 minute(s) Total time 10 minute(s) Yield 1 serving(s)


Don't use to much chilli because this recipe are super hot and spicy for those u love spicy.


600 gram udang harimau
4 strok serai
100 gram cili merah
50 gram cili kering
100 gram bawang merah
70 gram bawahg putih
100 gram bawang merah
70 gram halia muda
3 spoon pati asam jawa
20 gram belacan bakar
100 gram pati santan
Secukup rasa garam dan gula



Kisar halus serai, cili kering, cili merah , bawang merah, bawang putih dan halia mude

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Tumis hingga wangi dan masukkan air asam jawa dan sedikir santan cair

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Masak menggunakan api sederhana hingga kuah menjadi pekat

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Masukkan pati santan dan udang

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Masukkan garam dan gula secukup rase

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Masak hingga naik bau.

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Try recook this recipe and share with the owner and us



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