Chicken Soup

this is my go to meal during ramadhan month. it's hot, comforting & flavourful. i like to eat this with Cintan noodles.

Prep time 10 minute(s) Cook time 30 minute(s) Total time 40 minute(s) Yield 4 serving(s)


if you're not a chicken eater. change it to beef instead.

add in celery/mushrooms if you like.

You can add in more water if you like.


Saute Ingredients
1 onion (sliced thinly)
2 cloves garlic (sliced thinly)
10g ginger (sliced thinly)
1/2 kg chicken
3 bunga lawang, cengkih,cinnamon
5 cili padi (squashed)
2 potatoes (quatered)
1 tomato (quatered)
1 stalk carrot
4 stalks bok choy
As desired water
To tase salt & pepper



Clean the chicken and cut into desired size. Set aside

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Heat up the pot, fill in the oil,put in the onion,garlic,ginger,bunga cengkih cinnamon,bunga lawang & cili padi.Stir fry until it smells fragrant

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Once the onion becomes translucent, mix in the chicken. Stir fry for about 5 minutes.

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Mix in the 1/2 cup of water. let is simmer for 5 mins

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Add in another 2 cups of water. add carrot, potatoes & tomato. add in salt & pepper to taste. boil for another 15 mins. medium heat.

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Lastly put in the bok choy. Boil for another 2-3 mins. Serve hot with rice/noodles/pasta. Serve together with kicap cili. yumss!

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Try recook this recipe and share with the owner and us




9 years ago • Reply

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