Flourless Chicken Nugget

Who doesn't love chicken nugget? Mostly chicken nugget or frozen foods in the market are sold with food preservative which is not good for our health in the long term. This idea came up one day when I really wanted to eat McD famous chicken nugget. Since I'm not into McD anymore, so I try to make my own. And guess what? My version tastes almost the same like McD chicken nugget. Let's give a try!

Prep time 10 minute(s) Cook time 10 minute(s) Total time 20 minute(s) Yield 4 serving(s)


You can put cheese in the middle if you want! That will make it even more delicious and cheesy.


Bahan A (Untuk Dikisar)
400 gm isi ayam bahagian dada (dipotong kecil)
1 biji saiz sederhana besar bawang merah (dipotong)
1 sudu teh garam
1 sudu teh lada sulah
1 biji telur gred a (besar)
1/2 sudu teh serbuk penaik
Bahan B (Untuk Menggoreng)
Cukup untuk menggoreng minyak masak


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Nakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.. adoi lapaaa

10 years ago • Reply

Recook la.. senang je nih. Hehehe.

10 years ago • Reply

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