Ayam Masak Merah

This recipe i learnt from my mentor during working as a chef at lone pine hotel. And i create my own and at last this dishes was made as core recipe at lone pine hotel as a malay food buffet.

Prep time 5 minute(s) Cook time 30 minute(s) Total time 35 minute(s) Yield 5 person(s)


For the better taste i reccomend to use carnation milk. And not use coconut milk because the gravy become thicker. And do not cook the chicken too well. Because later the chicken become hard and the taste not so good.


1/2 daging ayam
5 biji bawang besar
4 biji bawang putih
7 tangkai cili merah
1 batang serai
1 biji tomato
1 helai daun pandan
1/2 tin sup tomato
2 sudu besar tomato puree
1 tangkai daun kari
1/2 sudi besar garam
1 sudu besar gula
2 sudu besar serbuk chicken stock
5 sudu besar susu carnation
1 batang dan biji 4 sekawan
2 sudu besar kacang peas



Perap daging ayam dengan serbuk kunyit,serbuk kari ayam,serbuk cili,sedikit garam dan serbuk chicken stock. 1 minit perap ayam

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Selesai perap. Panaskn minyak. Pastikn minyak betul-betul panas. Goreng ayamg sehingga bertukar kaler keemasan. Pastikan tidak terlalu masak.

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Angkat ayam dan toskan. Jangan buang minyak. Ambil sedikit minyak daripada goreng ayam tadi dan biarkn seketika.

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Ambil setiap satu bawang besar,bawang putih dan hiris halus.

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Selepas itu, bawang besar,bawang putih, serai tamato, cili blend semua.

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Panaskn minyak masukkan daun kari, 4 sekawan dan daun pandan. Kacau sampai naik bau. Selepas itu masukkan bwang yg dihiris tadi dan kacau.

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Setelah naik bau masukkn bahan yg diblend tadi dan kacau sehingga naik bau. MAsukkn pula sup tomato,tomato puree. Kacau sehingga masak dan naik bau.

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Selesai masukkan pula garam,gula, serbuk stock ayam. Kemudian masukkn ayam yg digoreng tadi dan kacau sehingga rata.

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Selesai itu masukkan susu carnation dan gaul bagi rata. Dah siap angkat dan letak atas mangkuk dan hiaa dgn kacang peas.

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Try recook this recipe and share with the owner and us



Katty (author)

Try it.

9 years ago • Reply

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