Ayam Masak Merah

2 interesting story behind this recipe: -first time belajo masak masakan ni berguru dengan adik sendiri. * faryl.com has been copycat this cooking image and proclaimed as their recipe by adding promogate (kengkononnya) by name the recipe as ayam buah delima. thanks you team let's masak for notification

Prep time 10 minute(s) Cook time 35 minute(s) Total time 45 minute(s) Yield 7 piece(s)




7 - 8 ketul peha ayam
15 - 20 batang (rendam dengan air panas, kemudian kisar) cili kering
8 ulas (kisar) bawang putih
1 biji (kisar) bawang besar
1 inci (kisar) halia
1/2 inci (kisar) lengkuas
2 sudu besar paste tomato
2 batang cili besar
1 cawan susu segar
1 sudu teh buah pelaga



Panaskan minyak. Tumis buah pelaga sebentar.
Kemudian tumiskan kesemua bahan kisar hingga naik bau

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Masukkan ayam, tambah sedikit air.
Renehkan sebentar sehingga ayam masak.

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Selepas itu masukkan tomato paste dan susu segar. Biarkan mendidih sehingga masak
Serasikan garam dan gula.

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Try recook this recipe and share with the owner and us



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