Fried Macaroni

A simple meal for the whole family.

Prep time 0 minute(s) Cook time 0 minute(s) Total time 0 minute(s) Yield 10 serving(s)


Cook with love.


A) Untuk Di Kisar/ To Be Blended
10-15 cili kering/ dried chili
1-2 bawang besar/ large onions
5-7 bawang putih/ garlic
Terserah/ Optional chilli padi
1 Packet macaroni
1 Botol Kecil/ Small Bottle sos tomato/ tomato sauce (pasta sos/sauce)
10-15 bacon (seafood)
1 Kecik/ Small Packet sayur campur/ mixed vegetables
10-15 cherry tomato



1) Rebus Macaroni hingga 3/4 masak. (Letakkan sedikit minyak dan garam)

(Boil the Macaroni till al dante. (Add oil n salt))

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2) Tumiskan bahan-bahan A sehingga garing. Kemudian tambahkan sos tomato/ pasta.

(Stir fry ingredients from category A then add tomato ketchup/ pasta sauce)

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3) Letakkan bahan perasa secukup rasa.

(Add Salt n Pepper)

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4) Masukkan Bacon/ Seafood.

(Add in the Bacon/ Seafood)

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5) Akhirnya masukkan sayuran. Gaul hingga sebati dan sudah siap untuk dihidang.

(Add in the mixed vegetables n cherry tomatoes then mixed well)

Selamat Mencuba. (Happy Trying )

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Try recook this recipe and share with the owner and us



Siti (author)

There seem to be an error with the ingredients corner. So the ingredients are as follow:-

Cili Kering/ Dried Chili
Bawang Besar/ Onions
Bawang Putih/ Garlic
Cili Padi (optional)
(Di Blend)

Sos Tomato / Tomato Sauce (Sos Pasta / Pasta Sauce)
Bacon / Seafood
Sayur Campur/ Mixed Veg.
Cherry Tomatoes.

10 years ago • Reply


Could you please edit your recipe and try again to add the ingredients? thanks :)

10 years ago • Reply
Siti (author)

I did try twice lastnight but result turned out to be the same..

Let me try again tonight..

10 years ago • Reply

Simple dan nampak sedap..boleh cuba.. ;)

10 years ago • Reply

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